Go to School
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At this time, I will go there for something important thing, one of important thing for finishing my college study. I will hold research at there, take some data (pre and post-trial test), analyze them, then show up to four lecturer in skripsi (Indonesian: pre-thesis) test after it all.
My research type is correlation quantitative. My independent variables (X: X1 and X2) are Pemahaman Paragraf (ID: paragraph understanding) for X1, Kemampuan Bernalar (ID: logical) for X2, and the dependent variable (Y) is Keterampilan Menulis Argumentasi (ID: argumentation writing). I will take some data in some classes with cluster random sampling technique.
Insya Allah, it will take short month, some weeks, no more two months. Bismillah, may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala gives me His ridha for this research, in last semester of my study in University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia. Amin.