Should I Meet Qt Developers?
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I am very newbie/novice men in programming world, but I want to learn Qt, though I did not have an experience about basic programming. I need to meet Qt developers for help me in programming with Qt. I think I should not have met them, but I want to meet them. Well, one day learning Qt is a good start, but learning it takes more than one day. Qt Training Partners will help me. Does Nokia will build their Qt Training Partners in Indonesia? I would love it.
It is does not matter if I cannot meet Qt developers as soon as because sure, I should have finished my Indonesian language education bachelor study in Indonesia first. I should have mastered English too, my TOEFL should 550 at least (as you know, with I create this blog, I can practice my English; oh man, there are many mistakes with my English here).
I want to meet Qt (and KDE) developers in Europe, America, and other countries. Bismillah, may Allah ridha (want to realize) this dream. Insya Allah, amin.