Latif Anshori Kurniawan

Should I Meet Qt Developers?

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It is amazing if I can meet them, but how to go to Europe or America and attending Qt Developer Days every year because many Qt developers attend there if I have still here, Indonesia. I ever have a dream and plan to go to that is all events. I want to meet some developers, such as Mathias Ettrich, David Faure, Lars Knoll, Simon Hawe, absolutely Ariya Hidayat, and some more. I want to talk along time with them about Qt, KDE, and much more. Meet some developers take long time makes you feel that you look like developer too, you know. Ho ho.

I am very newbie/novice men in programming world, but I want to learn Qt, though I did not have an experience about basic programming. I need to meet Qt developers for help me in programming with Qt. I think I should not have met them, but I want to meet them. Well, one day learning Qt is a good start, but learning it takes more than one day. Qt Training Partners will help me. Does Nokia will build their Qt Training Partners in Indonesia? I would love it.

It is does not matter if I cannot meet Qt developers as soon as because sure, I should have finished my Indonesian language education bachelor study in Indonesia first. I should have mastered English too, my TOEFL should 550 at least (as you know, with I create this blog, I can practice my English; oh man, there are many mistakes with my English here).

I want to meet Qt (and KDE) developers in Europe, America, and other countries. Bismillah, may Allah ridha (want to realize) this dream. Insya Allah, amin.