Latif Anshori Kurniawan

The Review of Portfolios (English)

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Portfolios are very important for knowing about students achievement in their classroom-based assessment. The teachers should have to understand about what and how of portfolios. Any education participants/ principals/ scientists love to do researching and giving feedback about the review of portfolios.

Some points about the review of portfolios in educational (teaching and learning) field could describe and classify for DO and DON’T such as below.


  • help students knowing their achievement targets;
  • give them rewards;
  • listen and give feedback for their increasing and decreasing;
  • talk in process, strategy, and product;
  • be realistic when creating visions; also
  • be positive.



  • focus (only) on the student’s work;
  • judging their works blindly: and
  • giving too many advices.

I think there are so many things of the review of portfolios can classify like above. Any other suggestions? Discussions are welcome.

Best wishes and warm regards,
Latif Anshori Kurniawan