Latif Anshori Kurniawan


Diterbitkan pada dalam Blog.

Glad tidings for everyone. Universitas PGRI Semarang (University of PGRI Semarang, UPGRIS) provides a new web/blog app platform center for their lecturers and staffs: Blog Dosen UPGRIS. Every lecturer and staff can create, build, and even collaborate with others via this blog(s) platform.

In Allah’s Hand, every visitors (other lecturers/staffs/researchers, students, or even society) can get several beneficial knowledge by accessing the contents of the platform—in shaa’ Allah. Thank you for UPGRIS’s BPTIK crews that building this nice place—hayyaakumullah (may Allah Strengthen you all), wa baarakallahu feekum (and may Allah Bless you all)!

May Allah Grant us Tawfeeq (Success), may He Shower His Blessing to us and always—aameen. Nas-‘alullah: as-salaamah wal-‘aafiyah (only to Allah: we ask safeties and protections).

If you have any further questions and/or need to know more about Indonesian deeply (and-if you are a nonnative speaker or just a professional who want to improve communication skills), want to get in touch with us to publish your articles on our online journals, or even build several nice collaborations in researches and events, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

You can read my other personal stories in Indonesian fully on Several my official social media accounts provided there. Hopefully, you can get any benefits anywhere.