Latif Anshori Kurniawan


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In every single campus, lecturers must have several experiences upon teaching, researching, and dedicating to the society. Usually, these called as Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (the three Dharmas of higher educational institution in Indonesia).

There is Tri Dharma too at University of PGRI Semarang, but added a value. The value is exemplary/figuration of good character. So, here made new one, not only Tri Dharma, but also Catur Dharma (catur means four).

Our campus has Catur Dharma—the four dharmas added value: exemplary).

To accommodate the Dharmas in technology, there is a platform to realize it. Today, LPPM has launched a new platform for our lecturers to cover their research and social dedication portfolios. The platform is: SIMPELMAS.

By the LPPM’s SIMPELMAS, by Allah’s Hand, the lecturers will get more values and benefits to collaborate and elaborate each other. This platform is still under-construction (pre-alpha release). BPTIK still developing this until ready to use and stable. But, lecturers (as main users) can try-out the functionality of the features, and hopefully they can give feedback (report bugs, even give bug fixes or patches, or others).

I like our BPTIK team, they are very welcome and really open to serve and cover our needs.

Thanks, LPPM and BPTIK, for the SIMPELMAS. Wallahul Muwaffeeq!