Latif Anshori Kurniawan

SKPI and Students’ Activity Points

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Today, our campus held a socialization to monitor our students’ activities. The BPTIK crews and core team of institution have a dream to implement several things. By this dream, they build a new good system and platform to cover.

The implementation has a meaning to cover all logs and performs of students, especially preparing them to face their future. The vision of our institution is not only focus on educational outputs.

We can ignore the globalization. It is growing so fast in every single line of our life. So, we need to cover our alumni to get their good opportunities when they finish their study.

Our students need to complete their activity points (ID: Poin Keaktifan Mahasiswa, PKM) to fill their Surat Keterangan Pendamping Ijazah (SKPI). Start from the first semester, students should report to their lecturer about their points of several activities.

All activities can put in their online databases (web-based app), then their lecturers should have signing their progress. They must login on their UPGRIS official web account (Sistem Informasi Akademik, SIA).

The lecturers should push and motivate the students. The students are not only join the clubs in campus, but also the should follow every single event that can improve their values, to polish their talents to increase their own variety skills.

The lecturers need to care all about the students’ do. They must serve their students to realize the needs. By this investment, the students will improve their talents and skills, so we hope they can compete and face their future—in shaa’ Allah.

Okay, Students, let’s fill your points! May Allah Make it easy—aameen.