Latif Anshori Kurniawan


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I use KDE software since a couple years ago. Even, I had been started with Linux-based system at the beginning, played on my cousin’s old computer, when I was kid (actually, when I have had my first year at junior high school). I have ever tried KDE on any various Linux distributions (distro), and it was run smoothly. I could say that KDE more suitable and fit on Linux distros that polished very well with KDE, like SUSE/openSUSE & KDE neon (Ubuntu-based), though everything works fine on other distros. Actually, I only use Linux of non-DEB family.

KDE is based on Qt framework. I following Qt progress and history time after time, from Troltech (in Oslo, Norway) then the Qt company stand still in Finland. Yes, better you understand Qt first, then develop or deploy a tiny patch of a KDE app.

KDE is an open-source software community project. Everyone can contribute in KDE. Not only as developer, no need to be able to code or having skill in programming. Whatever your main jobs and hobbies, whatever you are, you can join the game. KDE is great, is about the people, the patrons, the passions, the community.

The Powerful of Qt
Qt is C++, one of the the strongest programming languages. All codes of Qt based on C++, but added so many rich features, libraries, modules, and some more. Even if you familiar with other programming languages, you still could play with Qt. Whatever your other lovely languages and scripts, like Python, Java, HTML5, XML, etc. Indeed, you can develop several apps on several platforms, such as: Linux-based kernel, macOS, Windows, even Android.

For mobile apps development, you can touch your BlackBerry, Sailfish (by Jolla) with Qt. It is fantastic framework because you can code easily on cross-platform, any infrastructure. No need to change your codes more between platforms, you “just” compile them then play.

If you care about open-source, try KDE, and welcome to the freedom of software development!